A Beginners Guide to Thrifting

I saw a meme once that said, “If I had one wish, it would be that every outfit I liked on Instagram would magically appear in my wardrobe”. This idea immediately replaced living in a world where everything was pillows and we had Pokemon as pets, as my dream. And I mean, dream. Having an ever-changing wardrobe, stocked full of the latest trends is financially and sustainably unrealistic (and frankly, a tad irresponsible).

Not only does shopping second hand reduce the demand that fuels exploitation in the fashion business, but it’s also good for your wallet and you’ll never be wearing the same thing as someone else!

I remember feeling overwhelmed by uncurated, higgldy piggildy of second-hand stores when I first started thrifting but I’ve picked up some tips along the years that will melt those anxieties away. Here are my tips for finding exactly what you want in thrift stores.


Get inspired

One of the best things about shopping in thrift shops, clothing exchanges, and discount stores is that your wardrobe is unique. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t draw inspiration from fashion bloggers who sport higher-end retailers and designers. After all, it’s their job to style and shares the latest trends in creative and appealing ways! What better way to help you visualize the perfect on-trend outfit.


Be specific

Hunt for similar items, styles, or colors that have been your attention. Larger discount stores can be daunting and sifting through each item could take hours. Having an idea of what you’re looking for will not only save you time, it prevents impulse buying and wasting money.


The C word

Especially when you’re shopping for an outfit that you plan on wearing throughout the day, think about comfort. I know that I feel far better about my outfit when I’m comfortable in it. Is it a bit too short at the back? Put it back. Pinches you under the armpits? Put it back. I could go on but, you understand where I’m coming from.


The 3-ways rule

It’s happened to everyone, you find an amazing dress, try it on, it looks incredible and then it never sees the light of day again and ends up right back where you found it, the thrift store. How did this happen when you were so in love at the store? No, Elaine Bennis, it’s not “skinny mirrors”! It probably doesn’t fit in with your current wardrobe and/or lifestyle.

This is where the 3-ways rule comes in. When deciding whether an item of clothing gets the honor of joining the party in your wardrobe, think about 3 different outfits that involve this item. Or if it’s more of a statement piece, with less versatility, try to imagine 3 different scenarios where it would be the perfect outfit, e.g. dancing with the girls, work and date night.


Follow these rules and you’ll never regret a purchase again. Your wardrobe will be so carefully selected and versatile that getting dressed in the morning will be a world full of pillows, a dream come true.

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